Add button in report and open modal with selected data from Report

I created a query report with button. Showing below:

This is the query I used

tabSupplier Quotation.supplier_name as Supplier,
tabSupplier Quotation Item.item_name as Item,
tabSupplier Quotation Item.qty as Item_Qty,
tabSupplier Quotation Item.uom as UOM,
tabSupplier Quotation Item.rate as Rate,
tabSupplier Quotation Item.amount as Amount,
CONCAT(‘<button type=“button” class=“btn btn-primary btn-” data=’‘’, tabSupplier Quotation.supplier_name ,‘’’ onClick=‘‘myFunction(this.getAttribute(“data”))’’ >Approve') as Action
FROM tabSupplier Quotation
tabSupplier Quotation Item ON tabSupplier = tabSupplier Quotation Item.parent
WHERE tabSupplier Quotation Item.material_request = %(mat_request)s

I don’t know this is the appropriate way or not. Now I need to open a modal with this reports specific data. Is there any way I can do it?


Was there ever a solution found to this?
