Add doctype on dashboard

Created a doctype to list Violation, made by employees and accordingly Penalties as per Violation. However, I do not yet succeed to show it as a deduction. So, have to insert this doctype into Employee Dashboard.

This Violation is a custom doctype?

Oh Yes, I tried to add a missing doctype. This is first doctype I ever added :stuck_out_tongue: !! Still, Learning !!

So did you solve? Or is missing something?

Hi @Leonardo_Augusto and all

I find the way to add link to dashboard, Hope can help you,

This code is add ProForma Invoice to Quotation dashboard. Iā€™m lazy to change my code as your request. You can check and edit it as you want.


  1. create custom script.
  2. make API to count in your app : my_app.api.get_open_count

create custom script.

    frappe.ui.form.on('Quotation', {
    	refresh: function(frm) {
    		dashboard_link_doctype(frm, "ProForma Invoice");

    dashboard_link_doctype = function (frm, doctype){

    	var parent = $('.form-dashboard-wrapper [data-doctype="Sales Order"]').closest('div').parent();

    	parent.append(frappe.render_template("dashboard_link_doctype", {doctype:doctype}));

    	var self = parent.find('[data-doctype="'+doctype+'"]');

    	set_open_count(frm, doctype);

    	// bind links
    	self.find(".badge-link").on('click', function() {
    		frappe.route_options = {"quotation":}
    		frappe.set_route("List", doctype);

    	// bind open notifications
    	self.find('.open-notification').on('click', function() {
    		frappe.route_options = {
    			"status": "Draft"
    		frappe.set_route("List", doctype);

    	// bind new
    	if(frappe.model.can_create(doctype)) {
    	self.find('.btn-new').on('click', function() {

    set_open_count = function (frm, doctype){
    	var method = '';
    	var links = {};

    	if(doctype=="ProForma Invoice"){
    		method = 'my_app.api.get_open_count';
    		links = {
    			'fieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
    			'transactions': [
    					'label': __('ProForma Invoice'),
    					'items': ['ProForma Invoice']

    			type: "GET",
    			method: method,
    			args: {
    				doctype: frm.doctype,
    				links: links,
    			callback: function(r) {
    				// update badges
    				$.each(r.message.count, function(i, d) {
    					frm.dashboard.set_badge_count(, cint(d.open_count), cint(d.count));

    frappe.templates["dashboard_link_doctype"] = ' \
    	<div class="document-link" data-doctype="{{ doctype }}"> \
    	<a class="badge-link small">{{ __(doctype) }}</a> \
    	<span class="text-muted small count"></span> \
    	<span class="open-notification hidden" title="{{ __("Open {0}", [__(doctype)])}}"></span> \
    		<button class="btn btn-new btn-default btn-xs hidden" data-doctype="{{ doctype }}"> \
    				<i class="octicon octicon-plus" style="font-size: 12px;"></i> \

Make API to count in your app : my_app.api.get_open_count

def get_open_count(doctype, name, links):
	'''Get open count for given transactions and filters

	:param doctype: Reference DocType
	:param name: Reference Name
	:param transactions: List of transactions (json/dict)
	:param filters: optional filters (json/list)'''

	frappe.has_permission(doc=frappe.get_doc(doctype, name), throw=True)

	meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
	#links = meta.get_dashboard_data()

	links = frappe._dict({
		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
		'transactions': [
				'label': _('ProForma Invoice'),
				'items': ['ProForma Invoice']
    #links = frappe._dict(links)
    #return {'count':0}

	# compile all items in a list
	items = []
	for group in links.transactions:

	out = []
	for d in items:
		if d in links.get('internal_links', {}):
			# internal link

		filters = get_filters_for(d)
		fieldname = links.get('non_standard_fieldnames', {}).get(d, links.fieldname)
        #return fieldname
		data = {'name': d}
		if filters:
			# get the fieldname for the current document
			# we only need open documents related to the current document
			filters[fieldname] = name
			total = len(frappe.get_all(d, fields='name',
				filters=filters, limit=100, distinct=True, ignore_ifnull=True))
			data['open_count'] = total

		total = len(frappe.get_all(d, fields='name',
			filters={fieldname: name}, limit=100, distinct=True, ignore_ifnull=True))
		data['count'] = total

	out = {
		'count': out,

	module = frappe.get_meta_module(doctype)
	if hasattr(module, 'get_timeline_data'):
		out['timeline_data'] = module.get_timeline_data(doctype, name)
	return out

this code you can pass via JS but I notyet do it.

links = frappe._dict({
		'fieldname': 'prevdoc_docname',
		'transactions': [
				'label': _('ProForma Invoice'),
				'items': ['ProForma Invoice']