Add doctype on dashboard

How can i add a maintenance visit module icon on dashboard section of customer form, like this:

Goto Maintenance Visit and click on add to desktop.

I wanna show that in Customer dashboard, not in desktop of erpnext

ref: erpnext/ at develop · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

That’s it!
But i can’t edit this hard code right? So, how can i edit that?

Any help please :smiley:

Worked, but how I expected:

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   erpnext/selling/doctype/customer/

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How can I do that by custom script?

what exactly do you want to happen?

Exactly what’s on the image: add Maintenance Visit to dashboard of Customer by custom script not hard code

any help?

Sorry but i’ve done that by adding Not by custom script.

Hi Leonardo_Augusto

Pls try this way, This way is not good
I try to use custom script use JS to add link,

frappe.ui.form.on("Customer", {
    onload:  function(frm) {
        var div = $('[data-doctype="Quotation"]').closest('div').parent();
	div.append('<div class="document-link"><a href="#List/Maintenance Visit" class="badge-link small">Maintenance Visit</a></div>');
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Nice @vinhnguyent090, but and the button of more(+)? Just a detail

Sorry for late

Hi @Leonardo_Augusto

but and the button of more(+)?
==> I notyet test it, when I done I will show you

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Hello @Leonardo_Augusto, Did you get succeed with this issue? If yes, can you please share a solution??

I’m also facing same situations, even my code is not helping to get a place there at Employee Dashboard, unless like your (+) functionality. Below, is my code, might be I’m missing something either in code or command.

from frappe import _

def get_data():
	return {
		'heatmap': True,
		'heatmap_message': _('This is based on the attendance of this Employee'),
		'fieldname': 'employee',
		'transactions': [
				'label': _('Violation And Fines'),
				'items': ['Violation And Fines']

and file name is and used almost all commands, like bench build, migrate, clear-cache, restart respectively. Please help.

@asharamseervi Not yet my friend, and you?
The follow code works:

frappe.ui.form.on("Customer", {
    onload:  function(frm) {
        var div = $('[data-doctype="Quotation"]').closest('div').parent();
	div.append('<div class="document-link"><a href="#List/Maintenance Visit" class="badge-link small">Maintenance Visit</a></div>');

But, this are acumulating the button on page, so if you load customer form 3 times, the button will appear 3 times.
Maybe clearing local cache works, not tried yet.

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No No No !! Click Count will not work :smile: !! Maybe some senior devs will look into this and suggest some solutions.

What are you trying to do?