Add Options To Desk Theme (Modify Core Field)

Is there a way that I could add options to the core field “desk_theme” of the User doctype from my custom app? I tried the below JS script which does add the options, however when you attempt to save, it fails validation because it doesn’t think “Custom Theme” is a valid option.

frappe.ui.form.on( "User", "refresh", function( frm ){
    frm.set_df_property( "desk_theme", "options", [ "Dark", "Light", "Automatic", "Custom Theme" ] );
	frm.refresh_field( "desk_theme" );
} );

I was thinking maybe I could somehow set the options from my module in the after_install method? Is that possible?

Or does someone have a solution to get around the validation?

If the custom theme is there, then it will comes automatically, because theme fieldtype is Link.

The desk theme field is a select with hard coded values: Light, Dark, Automatic. This is where I would like to add additional options.

custom option-related theme is developed or not?

Yes, I have a couple custom themes developed.

Then you have to check the base code, when user select the default theme then how to set the theme.