Add row button disappears on child table after adding a single record

I have an Order Tracking doctype whose child tables allows only adding of one record then the add row button disappears , but other doctypes childtables don’t have the same problem.

My code

frappe.ui.form.on('Order Tracking', {

    refresh: function(frm) {;

        //make product inspection ie. submitted
        if (cur_frm.doc.docstatus = 1) {
            cur_frm.add_custom_button(__('Product Inspection'), function() {
            }, __("Make"));


        //Arrival date entered,clearing company and completion date ! blank
        if (frm.doc.arrival_date && frm.doc.arrival_date != null) {
            if (frm.doc.clearing_company == '' || (frm.doc.expected_clearing_completion_date == null)) {
                var msg = "Either Clearing Company or Clearing Completion Date is unfilled,Please fill the fields";
                throw msg;


    show_hide_fields: function(frm) {
        frm.toggle_display('section_international_supplier', (frm.doc.supplier_type == 'International Supplier' && frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != ''));
        frm.toggle_display('section_containers', (frm.doc.supplier_type == 'International Supplier' && frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != ''));
        frm.toggle_display('section_local_supplier', (frm.doc.supplier_type == 'Local Supplier' && frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != ''));
        frm.toggle_display('section_order_progress', (frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != '' && frm.doc.supplier_type != ''));
        frm.toggle_display('section_items_ordered', (frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != '' && frm.doc.supplier_type != ''));
        frm.toggle_display('section_status', (frm.doc.supplier && frm.doc.supplier != '' && frm.doc.supplier_type != ''));

    supplier: function(frm) {;


    supplier_type: function(frm) {;

    //Product Inspection function
    make_product_inspection: function() {
            method: "erpnext.buying.doctype.order_tracking.order_tracking.make_product_inspection",
            frm: cur_frm
1 Like

I am having the same issue. Did you find any solution?

I remember i wasn’t able to find the solution