ADD two fields and store the sum in another field

One single doctype : Parent
Child table : Child

In Parent there are two fields

  1. Net salary
  2. Total Salary

In Child Table only one field

  1. Incentives

I want to add Net salary and Incentives and store the sum in Total salary

Can anybody please help me how to do this ?

@bnmahesh0017 Assuming the following:

  1. The fieldname of Net salary field is net_salary
  2. The fieldname of Total Salary field is total_salary
  3. The fieldname of the child table Child is incentives_list
  4. The fieldname of the Incentives field is incentives

What you need to do is create a new Client Script the set the doctype to Parent, the apply on to Form and paste the following code.

function update_total_salary(frm) {
    let doc = frm.doc,
    total = 0;
    if (doc.net_salary) total += flt(doc.net_salary);
    if (doc.incentives_list.length) {
        $.each(doc.incentives_list, function(i, r) {
            total += flt(r.incentives);
    frm.set_value('total_salary', total);

frappe.ui.form.on('Parent', {
    net_salary: function(frm) {
frappe.ui.form.on('Child', {
    incentives_list_add: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
    incentives_list_remove: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {

Its not working as I expected.
Instead it returns the same value to total_salary which we give in net_salary. so I don’t want that.

what ever the parameters you have assumed is correct.
For me how it should work is :-
net_salary + the highest among the list of incentives = total_salary

Please help me out with this ?

@bnmahesh0017 I didn’t know about the highest incentive. The following code works as you want.

The total_salary will be calculated when:

  1. The value of net_salary changed
  2. A row is added or removed from the child table
function update_total_salary(frm) {
    let doc = frm.doc,
    incentive = 0,
    total = flt(doc.net_salary);
    if (doc.incentives_list.length) {
        $.each(doc.incentives_list, function(i, r) {
            let ival = flt(r.incentives);
            if (ival > incentive) incentive = ival;
        total += incentive;
    frm.set_value('total_salary', total);

frappe.ui.form.on('Parent', {
    net_salary: function(frm) {
frappe.ui.form.on('Child', {
    incentives_list_add: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
    incentives_list_remove: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {

Sorry to say even this code doesn’t worked for me.

Parent doctype

Child Doctype

Entries to the Parent doctype

Now I want to add Net Salary and in Incentives list the highest incentive i.e
2000 and store the value in Total Salary Please help me out with this.

@bnmahesh0017 It is not supposed to work because some fieldnames are wrong…

function update_total_salary(frm) {
    let doc = frm.doc,
    incentive = 0,
    total = flt(doc.net_salary);
    if (doc.incentives_list.length) {
        $.each(doc.incentives_list, function(i, r) {
            let ival = flt(r.incentive);
            if (ival > incentive) incentive = ival;
        total += incentive;
    frm.set_value('total_salary', total);

frappe.ui.form.on('Parent', {
    net_salary: function(frm) {
frappe.ui.form.on('Child', {
    incentives_list_add: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {
    incentives_list_remove: function(frm, cdt, cdn) {

@bnmahesh0017 The code will update the total_salary field when you add or change net_salary field and when you add or remove an incentive…

So at first without any incentive, the value will be equal to the net_salay field. But as soon as you add an incentive it will change…