Trying to add button under Menu dropdown in a Doctype
Tried writing code [doctype_list.js] in Custom App within folder of standard Doctype [Serial No] but the code does not get triggered and no button is added.
Used this as reference
Writing code in the core JS file might break during the update.
Has anyone done this before? Any pointer in right direction?
I understand you want to add a custom script to Serial No DocType.
In your custom app (my_app), save your code in the folder my_app/public/js/. For example, my_app/public/js/serial_no.js. The content of this file is your custom script. It would look something like this:
Then go ahead and tell frappe to serve this file with the Serial No DocType: open your app’s hooks (my_app/ and add your script to the doctype_js or doctype_list_js variables.