I would like to add custom button next to Save button.
Reference image is attached.
Any leads?
You can refer this page for all app development… including custom buttons…
Thank you for response, but I am looking for a specific solution as mentioned in the image.
@avaiskhatri the answer of @M27 is okay, him pointed you for where you can find that solution.
But a bit of reading is apreciated, than receive the work already done!
@max_morais_dmm, thanks for your response.
If you look at the screen shot I have attached above, your response would have been different. FYI, I am looking for a button near to action button and the link you have highlighted will not produced such button.
Will appreciate if you look into my query and suggest something according to it,
We look forward to you contributing back!
This link is helping me to place button on my desired position.
Please check the attached screenshot.
Sure. Don’t worry. I already contributing as much as I can.
I think creating such questions itself can be considered as contribution to the community. Rest will going to benefit from it.
So have you figured this out and achieved it? I’m looking for same type of a help