Adding/Customising buttons for Actions dropdown in main list view

Hi all.

Recently we have installed a ERPNext instance and I am trying to add custom functionality that will turn a single, or multiple prospects into individual opportunities at once.

However, I cannot get a custom button added to the list view of the Prospects. I have followed the steps in a few threads like this without success: Frappe List View Actions Button

Below is an example of where I would like the button to be, in the main Prospect list view once one or multiple prospects have been selected:

Any assistance will be appreciated.

Please check it.

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Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately this is not working when I put this into a new client script. When selecting an item in the list the button does not show in the “Actions” drop down.

This is my setup below. Am I missing something?

Hi @Hiro,

Please apply it.

frappe.listview_settings["Prospect"] = {
    onload: function(listview) {"Actions"), () => {
            frappe.msgprint("Action Clicked");



Thank you!!!

This has resolved it. Really appreciate your time and effort.