Adding fields to sales invoice item grid

I need to add available qty in the sales invoice item grid.

I have gone to doc type “sales invoice item” and I can see the actual_qty field (available qty at warehouse), but I cannot tick the “in grid view” option as it is greyed out.

Is there another way of achieving this please?

Thank you


Ok I don’t have my image running, I remember you have about 4 that can be set to show in the grid. Can you carefully check with the doctype? Also note it’s limited to about 5 items in the screen; so you will have to untick one currently in list view

I cannot even tick or untick anything

Could that be a problem from my side ? I have checked all rights

You’re in customize form right? See if you can do this with doctype. Emmm… is this erpnext cloud or local installation?

Can you access doctypes?

Ok you’re on doctypes!! I think the python scripts may be blocking it. So maybe we need to dig into the code.

Again, maybe you need to get to develop branch, I had this while running develop sometime ago;when I switched to production; gone.

Self hosted on AWS

Let me try that.


The issue is from doc types…it’s not allowing me to tick grid view

Switch to develop branch, then turn off error snapshots (heavy source of slowness). You should be able to do and undo.

Pleaseee back up her site please!!!


Will do

Ah if possible full snapshot no just Data backup.

Just turn on developer_mode in site_config.json. Note that if you go this route, everything resets when you run bench update

Thanks Tunde

Any other option that does not over ride my changes when bench update is run??

honestly I don’t think there’s another option but we need to confirm that

What about moving to develop branch? that should be permanent; @tundebabzy; will bench update reset this as well?

yap. It will