Adding filters to linked field v15

Trying to add a filter to a custom field to fetch the contacts from within the quotation doc type.
My linked field works but displays all contacts not just the contacts from the company in the quoatation.

Using the example and instructions in the link below, but I do not have a filter button on my custome form control.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Running ErpNext v15
Hosted on Frappe Cloud

Regards Jack

Yes, me either looking for this feature in version 15. Couldn’t find it.

The filter should only be available in version 15 of ERPNext.

For other versions frm.set_query is the way to go.
Overriding Link Query By Custom Script.

I am running V15 and do not see this feature.
I’ve set a filter using the set query instead.

I used the following code instead

frappe.ui.form.on(“Customer”, {
refresh: function(frm) {
frm.set_query(“custom_customer_billing_address”, function() {
return {
filters: [
[“Dynamic Link”,“link_doctype”, “=”, “Customer”],
[“Dynamic Link”,“link_name”, “=”, frm.doc.customer_name],
[“Dynamic Link”,“link_is_billing_contact”, “=”, “-1”]

Hii @kittiu, @Void_Moon and @Void_Moon,

Filter feature is not available in version 15 yet. It’s available on the develop branch.
Please check it.

Also, I updated the documentation.

Thank You!

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