Adding Naming Series to Contract default DocType


there is a standard doctype for Contracts but this doctype has no naming series.
I have customized this doctype by adding the “select” data field type with the “naming_series”, as you see that in this screenshot:

then I select the naming Series:

then I setup the naming series for the contract:

unfortunately, the change never take affect when I create a new contract.
the naming series that I am getting is the “party name” but not my defined naming series:

I appreciate any help.
Thank you very much

What ever I customize in the doctype “contract”
nothing take affect except “Set by user” Naming rule.

Hi @mr-elamin,

When you save the doc, the backend script worked so does not have any effect on your naming series.
Please check it in base.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for your answer,
I have removed the lines from 12 till 23 and after I restarted the container the naming series takt the affect!
Thank you again for your help :slight_smile:


I am curious to know why this behavior is hard coded bypassing the Naming Series features provided by FrappeFramework and not documented?


Yogi Yang