Adding Payments + HRMS to Frappe Docker?

Hey guys, sorry if noob question. I am a single-member LLC trying to take advantage of ERPNext’s vast strength and scalability to support my business operations, and rely on it as a single source of truth.

From what I gather, the only recommended method of deploying ERPNext for production would be through frappe_docker. That’s cool and all, and I can do this no problem by cloning the frappe_docker repo to my Ubuntu 24.04 server and running docker compose -f pwd.yml up -d. Anything beyond this, including installing apps like Payments and HRMS, has me stumped.

Most guides/Google results have me setting up dev environments and building images; the rest are results simply claiming to "just use bench get-app <app>, bench install-app <app>. I guess I’m just confused and would prefer a straightforward answer. I’ve tried looking at the docs and the methodology behind the framework and deployment makes sense, but I lack the skill to piece it together and accomplish what I need.

If anybody would be kind enough to point me in the proper direction I would massively appreciate the help. My goal is to simply install a fresh copy of ERPNext with Payments + HRMS. I’m not expecting anyone to spoon-feed me a guide, but maybe you, the reader, could bestow upon me the nugget(s)s of information I’m missing so I can figure out the best way to proceed.


  • Cal
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Reference: How do I install the human resources module in a Docker setup? - #17 by revant_one

Thanks. I see this is a bit outdated of a solution, at least as far as version numbering goes. I have attempted to modify this command and run it on my Ubuntu 24.04 server, and am encountering an error building, seemingly related to Yarn.

I have created a new thread to address this specific issue here.