Adding whatsapp button next to cellphone numbers

Our customer doc_type has a cellphone field.

I’d like to add a whatsapp button next to it and when I click this button, whatsapp will open and start a chat with the number in the cellphone field.

I have accomplished this and I’d like to describe here because it may help someone else.


  1. Adding the button in the doc_type and relate it to a function in the client side script
    a. Insert a field with button type and pay attention to the name of the button (ex: btn_whatsapp)

    b. Add any label like “call number from whatsapp app”. (mine is in portuguese)

  2. The label will appear when/if the whatsapp image logo fails to load

  3. Find a whatsapp logo in the web and upload it into your public files in erpnext
    example: /files/logo-whatsapp.png
    The image you choose will substitute the label. My example:

  4. Open the client_script for your doc_type and add the following function:

frappe.ui.form.on('Customer',  {
    //... [others events of ours...]

    // will be triggered when the page is being loaded
    onload: function(frm) {

// add a logo instead of button's label
var set_whatsapp_logo = function(frm) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        let btn ='button.btn.btn-xs.btn-default[data-fieldname="btn_whatsapp"]')
        btn.html('<img src="/files/logo-whatsapp.png" alt="logo whatsapp" width="16" height="16">');
    }, 500);

// Function linked with the button: btn_whatsapp that make the magic
frappe.ui.form.on('Customer', 'btn_whatsapp', function(frm) {
     if (frm.doc.cellphone) { 
            let prefix = "";
            let url = prefix + frm.doc.cellphone.replace(/\D/g, '');
  , '_blank');
    else {
        msgprint('cellphone not provided!')

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