Administrator Account: Is this an issue or expected behavior?

I am running ERPNext 15 in a docker container and have discovered a strange pattern with the admininstrator account. Maybe it’s the expected behavior but seems a little odd. I have reproduced this a couple times now. I am not using the official Docker config but rather a custom one I created but doubt that should matter. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Spin up a new docker container
  2. Login as user Administrator and the password specified during the build
  3. Follow the on screen instructions to setup admin account. Enter the email and a different, secure password.
  4. Setup the company and go into ERPNext
  5. Everything seems fine. If you look at the user list, it shows the account I just created. Can do administrative stuff, etc.
  6. Log out
  7. Log back in entering administrator as the username and the password specified during build (same as step 2). Not the password set in step 3.
  8. Go to the user list. Two additional users have now been added. One named Administrator and one named Guest.

Shouldn’t the account created in step 3 be the true administrator account? Or is this expected behavior as in I create an account in step 3, but then I need to log out and go back in as Administrator and change that password too? Something seems really off to me here.