After click the save button childtable data is gone?

I made a child_table and then linked it to the parent doctype set values from the backend (python). After clicking the save button, the child_table data is automatically deleted.

@NELSON_D1 Share your code

    def yarnTableCount(self, table, count, repeat):
        tableValue = []

        colorlist = []
        totalVal = 0
        extraVal = 0

        for i in table:
            if i.get("count") == count:
                color = i.get("color")
                if color not in colorlist:

        repeat = int(repeat)

        for color in colorlist:
            totalVal = 0  # Redb_set totalVal for each color
            extraVal = 0  # Redb_set extraVal for each color
            for i in table:
                if i.get("count") == count and i.get("color") == color:
                    total = int(i.get("total"))
                    totalVal += total

                    extra = i.get("extra")
                    if extra is None:
                        extra = 0
                    extra = int(extra)
                    extraVal += extra

            subTotal = totalVal * repeat
            nettTotal = (totalVal * repeat) + extraVal
            gpm = "{:.2f}".format((nettTotal * 453.59) / (float(self.GetCount(count)) * 768))
            gpm = float(gpm)
            kgm = "{:.4f}".format(gpm/1000)
            kgm = float(kgm)
            total_warp_meter = float(self.total_weft_meters)
            kg_warp_m = "{:.4f}".format((total_warp_meter * kgm))
                "color": color,
                "total": totalVal,  # Use totalVal here, not total
                "repeat": repeat,
                "subtotal": subTotal,
                "extra": extraVal,  # Use extraVal here, not extra
                "netttotal": nettTotal,
                "gpm": gpm,
                "kgm": kgm,
                "kgwarp_m": kg_warp_m

        return tableValue

    def getColorList(self, table):
        colorList = []
        for x in table:
            color = x.get("color")
            if color not in colorList:
        return colorList
    def dyeTableColor(self, table, color, repeat):
        tableValue = []

        countlist = []
        totalVal = 0
        extraVal = 0

        for i in table:
            if i.get("color") == color:
                count = i.get("count")
                if count not in countlist:

        repeat = int(repeat)

        for count in countlist:
            totalVal = 0
            extraVal = 0
            for i in table:
                if i.get("color") == color and i.get("count") == count:
                    total = int(i.get("total"))
                    totalVal += total

                    extra = i.get("extra")
                    if extra is None:
                        extra = 0
                    extra = int(extra)
                    extraVal += extra
            subTotal = totalVal * repeat
            nettTotal = (totalVal * repeat) + extraVal
                "count": count,
                "total": totalVal,
                "repeat": repeat,
                "subtotal": subTotal,
                "extra": extraVal,
                "netttotal": nettTotal,
                "gpm": "{:.2f}".format((nettTotal * 453.59) / (float(self.GetCount(count)) * 768))
        return tableValue

    def getWeftTable(self, design):
        doc = frappe.get_doc("Design Master", design)
        return doc.get("weft_pattern_table")

    def weftYarnTable(self, table, count, pick, wefttotal):
        # total_gpm = self.findWeftGPM(count)
        tableValue = []

        colorlist = []
        totalVal = 0

        for i in table:
            if i.get("count") == count:
                color = i.get("color")
                if color not in colorlist:

        total_of_total = 0
        for color in colorlist:
            totalVal = 0  # Redb_set totalVal for each color
            for i in table:
                if i.get("count") == count and i.get("color") == color:
                    total = int(i.get("total"))
                    totalVal += total
                    total_of_total += total

            no_of_pick = (totalVal/wefttotal) * pick
            gpm = (no_of_pick * 453.59) / (float(self.GetCount(count)) * 768)
                "color": color,
                "total": totalVal,  # Use totalVal here, not total
                "no_of_pick": "{:.2f}".format(no_of_pick),
                "gpm": "{:.2f}".format(gpm),

        return tableValue,total_of_total

    def weftDyeTable(self,color):
        tableValue = []
        totaloftotal = 0
        yarnweft = self.getYarnWeftValue()

        for key,value in yarnweft.items():
            count = key
            for i in value:
                if i.get("color") == color:
                    total = int(i.get("total"))
                        "count": count,
                        "total": total,
                        "gpm": i.get("gpm")

        return tableValue,totaloftotal

    def findWeftGPM(self,count):
        #(((no of ends / onloom reed) + selvedge ends) * (onloom pick * 453.59)) / (count * 768))
        total_no_ends = self.total_no_of_ends
        onloom_reed = self.getOnloomreed(
        selvedge_ends = self.selvedge_ends
        onloom_pick = self.getOnloompick(
        count = self.GetCount(count)

        total_gpm = (((int(total_no_ends) / int(onloom_reed)) + selvedge_ends) * (int(onloom_pick) * 453.59)) / (float(count) * 768)
        return total_gpm
    def findNoofPick(self):      
        total_no_ends = self.total_no_of_ends
        onloom_reed = self.getOnloomreed(
        selvedge_ends = 3
        onloom_pick = self.getOnloompick(

        total_on_of_pick = ((int(total_no_ends) / int(onloom_reed)) + selvedge_ends) * (int(onloom_pick) ) 
        total_on_of_pick = round(total_on_of_pick)
        return total_on_of_pick

    def getYarnWeftValue(self):
        result_dict = {}
        for i in range(1,4):
            tablename = f"yarnwefttable{i}"
            titlename = f"weftyarntitle{i}"

            table = getattr(self, tablename, None)
            title = getattr(self, titlename, None)

            if table is not None and title is not None:
                result_dict[title]  = table
        return result_dict

    def createDesign(self, doctype, docname):
        doc = frappe.get_doc(doctype, docname)

        warpExcess = self.warp_excess_meters
        totalWarp = self.total_warp_meters
        weftMeter = self.weft_meter
        weftExcess = self.weft_excess_meter
        totalWeft = self.total_weft_meters

        # doc = frappe.get_doc(self.doctype,
        doc.db_set("warp_excess_meters", warpExcess)
        doc.db_set("total_warp_meters", totalWarp)
        doc.db_set("weft_meter", weftMeter)
        doc.db_set("weft_excess_meter", weftExcess)
        doc.db_set("total_weft_meters", totalWeft)

        repeat = self.no_of_repeat
        # extra = self.extra_ends_to_be_filled
        #this is for warp only
        table = self.designpattern
        counts = self.getCountList(table)
        colors = self.getColorList(table)

        #this is for weft only
        wefttable = self.getWeftTable(
        weftcounts = self.getCountList(wefttable)
        weftcolors = self.getColorList(wefttable)

        pick = self.findNoofPick()
        weft_total = self.getWeftTotal(

            #clear the table
            # doc.db_db_set("designpattern", [])
            for i, count in enumerate(counts, 1):  # Start from 1, not 0
                title_name = f"title{i}"
                table_name = f"yarntable{i}"

                doc.db_set(title_name, count)
                doc.db_set(table_name, self.yarnTableCount(table, count, repeat))
            for i, count in enumerate(weftcounts, 1):
                title_name = f"weftyarntitle{i}"
                table_name = f"yarnwefttable{i}"
                total_name = f"yarnwefttotal{i}"

                doc.db_set("no_of_picks", self.findNoofPick())
                doc.db_set("weft_total", weft_total)

                doc.db_set(title_name, count)
                table_of_counts,total_of_total = self.weftYarnTable(wefttable, count,pick, weft_total)

                doc.db_set(table_name, table_of_counts)
            for i, color in enumerate(colors, 1):
                color_title = f"color{i}"
                table_name = f"dyetable{i}"

                doc.db_set(color_title, color)
                doc.db_set(table_name, self.dyeTableColor(table, color, repeat))

            for i, color in enumerate(weftcolors, 1):
                title_name = f"dyewefttitle{i}"
                table_name = f"dyewefttable{i}"
                total_name = f"dyewefttotal{i}"

                doc.db_set(title_name, color)
                table_of_counts,total_of_total = self.weftDyeTable(color)

                doc.db_set(table_name, table_of_counts)


            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return str(e)
    def beforeSaveaction(self):
        doc = frappe.get_doc(self.doctype,

this is my backend code, i trigger the createDesign function from frontend