All Payroll in one page

Hello for all…!
Is there a way to show the Finance team the payroll for all employees on one page, including all deductions and taxes…?

Hi @Alexis_Dali

Yes, there is a Report in ERPNext name is “Salary Register”

This report shows the all employees details, all earning components and all deduction components with amounts.

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Yes I found it, but there is no option to select all the employees… do you have any screen shot for it.

for the second time Thank you in advance Mr @Usama_Naveed
My warm regards.

Select the Correct dates and status in filter then employees wise report will be load

Yes I understand but what I meant is to generate a report contain all the employees salary in on click.
can I achieve that instead of generate a report for each one.
Please correct me if I am wrong, the finance asked me for this option.

Check It.

The Employee filter is optional. If you don’t select any employee in the Employee Filter then report will generate for all employees.

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