Hallo i have case to make docx preview for my app, and for that i trying to get the file from this url
with this code
const renderDocx = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8001/files/15_41_ST_OSP_II_2025%20-%20BDES.docx`, { mode: "no-cors" })
const blob = await response.blob()
const arrayBuffer = await blob.arrayBuffer()
docxParser.renderAsync(arrayBuffer, viewerContainer.value, null, {
inWrapper: false,
breakPages: false
} catch (error) {
console.error("Gagal memuat file DOCX:", error)
But it got error cors like this
[type or paste code here](http://localhost:8001/files/15_41_ST_OSP_II_2025%20-%20BDES.docx)
I already change my config like this
"db_name": "xxx",
"db_password": "xxx",
"db_type": "mariadb",
"allow_cors": "*"
but still got error, i just want to show docx from frappe to vue
and another question, how to allow all logged in user for all private file? for example i have this code for uploading file
def upload_document_to_file_manager(self, nama_surat, file):
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
file_data = f.read()
# Get the current year and month in Roman numeral format
year_now = frappe.utils.nowdate().split('-')[0]
month_now_roman = frappe.utils.formatdate(frappe.utils.nowdate(), "MM")
# Define the full folder path based on your structure
folder_structure = f"Surat/Surat Tugas/{year_now}/{month_now_roman}"
# Create folders if not exist
self.create_folders_if_not_exist("Home", folder_structure)
# Final folder path after folder creation
final_folder = f'Home/{folder_structure}'
# Create the new file in the final folder
_file = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "File",
"file_name": nama_surat,
"folder": final_folder,
"content": file_data,
"is_private": 1,
"ignore_duplicate_entry_error": True
# Get the file URL (this is the public URL if the file is public, otherwise it's a private path)
file_url = _file.file_url
# Save the file URL or path back to the document
self.doc_url = file_url # Assumes 'file_url' field exists on the Surat Tugas doctype
# Delete the temporary file
except Exception as e:
frappe.logger().error(f"Error uploading file: {e}")
if os.path.exists(file):
frappe.logger().info(f"Temporary file {file} deleted.")
print(f"Temporary file {file} deleted.")
but that file only accessible for administrator, how to set all logged in user can access private file?
Thank you!