Hello All,
I’m trying to amend fiscal year dates in an existing ErpNext installation. There are already existing transactions in the current year from Apr 2017 to Now.
The existing fiscal year is 01 March 2017 to end of February 2018
The new fiscal year is 01 Sep 16 to 31 Oct 2017.
So the existing transactions would still be covered between the start and end dates of the new fiscal year. My question is, how would I go about changing the dates of the existing fiscal year without any negative effects on the ErpNext, and also how would I rename it?
ErpNext Details:
ErpNext: v8.3.5 (master)
Frappe Framework: v8.3.8 (master)
P.S. I have already read the forums and could not find anything useful, only one post mentions changing the dates with MySQL command via console, it would be useful if someone can give an example if so.