The ‘Amount in words’ is not the same as ‘Amount in numbers’ for Kuwait Dinar. For example, the amount in numbers is KWD 1821.5 which should translate to ‘KWD One thousand eight hundred and twenty one and five hundred fils’ but ERPNext translates to ‘KWD One thousand eight hundred and twenty one and fifty fils’ as can be seen in the below screenshot.
Please note 1000 fils = 1 Kuwait Dinar
KWD 1.5 = One Kuwait dinar and five hundred fils
KWD 1.05 = One Kuwait dinar and fifty fils
KWD 1.005 = One Kuwait dinar and five fils
The issue occurs during cheque printing. The HTML code used for cheque printing is as follows
<span style="top:4.4cm; left:20.0cm;
position: absolute;">
{{ frappe.utils.formatdate(doc.reference_date) or '' }}
<span style="top:4.5cm; left:7.6cm;
position: absolute;">
<span style="top:5.4cm; left:7.0cm;
position: absolute; display: block; width: 9cm;
line-height:1cm; word-wrap: break-word;">
**{{frappe.utils.money_in_words(doc.base_paid_amount or doc.base_received_amount)}}**
<span style="top:6.5cm;left: 20.0cm;
position: absolute;">
**{{doc.get("base_paid_amount") or doc.get("base_received_amount")}}**
Issue created on Github #8740