[Announcement] Introducing Frappe Chat App

then cd apps && ls

then you can see list of apps you have in server.

yeah buddy but can u give full command ?? and in which folder

then bench --site site_name migrate

i manually made changs to all files as in git hub/
/but getting this error :slight_smile:

You should upgrade to Frappe version 13.10 as the query builder is backported to that version.

@nihal_47 any news on the chat notifications buddy…

@nihal_47 Thanks for work done.I am in ERPNext: v13.12.1 (version-13) on ubuntu 18.4
By default ubuntu 18.4 uses python 3.6.I have successfully installed chat app in it but not working (I could not chat) and there is this error message AttributeError: type object ‘datetime.time’ has no attribute ‘fromisoformat’ popping up when you want to log in to the instance. I thought it is because of this error message that is making the chat not to work.I upgraded the python 3.6 to 3.7.
The error message still appear and yet the chat is not working.python 3.7 is even making frappe-bench to misbehave when you run some bench command giving error message “No module named bench”.I was forced to go back to python 3.6
How do i install the chat app and make work?

@nihal_47 i ahve posted his on git hub too…

below r few errors i have encountered.

group chats don’t show users names like who sent which the chat…

user profile pics show the wrong image… user sees his own image in front of other users name… ideally, it should show other users image with whom u r chatting …

when group chat is selected… the user list does not show my name search… email search is only working

image or media loader to show file upload progress…

these are basic issue that needs to be addressed before using it in real time …

additional of course read receipts, notifications, media files etc…also would add it to its usage…

any news on the more awesome features … buddy

How to upgrade Python3 to python 3.7.

Currently installed python 3.6.9

when i click on start conversation nothing is showing ??

problem solved working fine now…

@nihal_47 any news on the chat bugs buddy … we need to use it real-time. its request…

getting this error after latest git pull

@nihal_47 pls help

installed chat on version-14 but giving below issue

App Versions

	"chat": "0.0.1",
	"ecommerce_integrations": "1.11.0",
	"erpnext": "14.0.0",
	"frappe": "14.0.2",
	"hrms": "0.0.1",
	"payments": "0.0.1"


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/app.py", line 69, in application
    response = frappe.api.handle()
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/api.py", line 54, in handle
    return frappe.handler.handle()
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py", line 45, in handle
    data = execute_cmd(cmd)
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py", line 83, in execute_cmd
    return frappe.call(method, **frappe.form_dict)
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/__init__.py", line 1588, in call
    return fn(*args, **newargs)
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/client.py", line 327, in get_js
    with open(contentpath) as srcfile:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './assets/frappe/js/lib/socket.io.min.js'

Request Data

	"type": "GET",
	"args": {
		"items": "[\"assets/frappe/js/lib/socket.io.min.js\",\"assets/frappe/js/frappe/socketio_client.js\"]"
	"freeze": true,
	"headers": {},
	"error_handlers": {},
	"url": "/api/method/frappe.client.get_js"

Response Data

	"exception": "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './assets/frappe/js/lib/socket.io.min.js'"

Seems patch #41 from chat fixes this error. But new issue you don’t see the messages. You must reload each time to get messages to display. So until that is fixed chat is not usable in v14. There has been a bug reported since June for this issue #31

How can we add the chat icon the website.

Hello! thanks for always being updating this awesome tool as is ERPNext.
I have the same issue @ioscanner, any update?
I have version 14 and I have to F5 every time to see the new messages…

I have a problem. Notify Chat is not online and I have to refresh it to get the other party’s message.