Announcing Frappe Framework Bootcamp, Riyadh 2024 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦

After the success of our first in-person Frappe Framework Bootcamp in Dubai (UAE) we are are excited to announce our next destination: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

:technologist:t3: Content

You will learn to build full-stack web apps with the latest Frappe Framework. We will build an app from start to end solving a real business problem! You will also get a glimpse of the Frappeverse of products and deployment with Frappe Cloud. Check out this page for syllabus.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Dates & Registration

Dates: 10-13th November, 2024
Duration: 4 days

Visit this link to reserve your spot!

:school: The Venue

The training will take place at the Center of Digital Entrepreneurship (CODE), Hisham Ibn Abd Al Malek [sponsored by the community with special thanks to Ali from Solutions by 42 :raised_hands:t3:].


:busts_in_silhouette: Catch Up with the Community

I am also planning to catch up with the Frappe community there with a meet-up, so if you are interested, fill this form!