Announcing the launch of the Saudi Zatca-2 E-Invoicing app on FrappeCloud

Same error .please help me

Screenshot from 2024-06-05 20-23-24

Screenshot from 2024-06-05 20-22-10

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did you update latest ?

Yes today updated to latest

are you doing it in a staging server? in that case please share instance details with . our team will look into this issue.

how phase 2 of zatca work in frappe cloud without phase 1 ?

in V15 there is no phase 1.


CSR Data is created. Now it is showing Below error…please guide me

You might be creating Produciton CSR and using simulation OTP, or vice-versa. Conirm it.

I am using Simulation CSR and Simulation OTP. I was already onboarded on a local instance using ZATCA2024 app dependencies of SDK. Now, I am onboarding from Frappe Cloud with the same VAT ID. Could this be causing an issue?

OTP is for one time use, and expires within an hour.
However, there is no issue if you are using two OTP for two devices.

please reply

There is pre-requisite for Phase-1 app for Phase-2 app. Its totally independent.

Those who enrolled on Phase-2 no more required to use Phase-1. The bar-code they need to print on invoice is from Phase-2 app only.

I am using OTP within 1 hour.

Is there any issue in below csr .please check and also csr.serial.number need to enter any specific format


**This is the working format**
csr.organization.identifier=300990908800003   ( if 11th digit of above vat-id is 1 then this should be 10 digit TIN ) Company name
csr.location.address=RIYADH company activities

can i copy and paste same and csr.serial.number

How you solve this error pls ??


This is the issue I face, I have a single company and shared the Screenshots,
Error is during Generating Compliance CSID - Simulation.
Any fix?
CSR Conf

On CSR configution, use Full company name instead of ABBR.
ABBR used only on JSON

And put invoice_type 1100 on CSR configuration