Any limit on Footer timeline in issue <div class="timeline-items">?

Sorry for question but,
There is a limit in timeline view?
On issue footer, in Support module, I have various comment, mail and system messages. But disappear 3 month oldest comment.
There is a limit in max number of comment ( example 30).
Comment exist in DB


Explain the issue…

if check db with query

SELECT * FROM 1bd3e0294d.tabCommunication where reference_name=“NCR3818”;

return 37 row, a mix of various comment_type like Submitted, Workflow, Comment, Email
(NCR3818 is the name of support issue)

but on web only show 31 “comment”

The problem is:

button More dont show

Were you able to solve this @sharpec?

I ended up having to change the following condition:


// more btn
if (this.more!==false && communications.length>=20) {
	this.more = true;