Anyone having trouble quoting more than 50 items?

I have some trouble with a large quotation that I am working on. Has anyone else had issues when quoting more that 50 items?

Here’s what F12 gives me:

form.js:785 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘item_code’)
at Ft.update_search_columns (grid.js:348:50)
at Ft.make_head (grid.js:343:31)
at Ft.refresh (grid.js:391:8)
at frappe.ui.form.ControlTable.refresh_input (table.js:125:13)
at frappe.ui.form.ControlTable.refresh (base_control.js:140:9)
at frappe.ui.form.Form.refresh_field (form.js:1307:28)
at save.js:81:8
at Array.forEach ()
at o (save.js:80:25)
at n (save.js:19:3)
grid.js:348 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘item_code’)
at Ft.update_search_columns (grid.js:348:50)
at Ft.make_head (grid.js:343:31)
at Ft.refresh (grid.js:391:8)
at frappe.ui.form.ControlTable.refresh_input (table.js:125:13)
at frappe.ui.form.ControlTable.refresh (base_control.js:140:9)
at frappe.ui.form.Layout.attach_doc_and_docfields (layout.js:437:59)
at frappe.ui.form.Layout.refresh (layout.js:314:8)
at frappe.ui.form.Form.refresh_fields (form.js:654:15)
at frappe.ui.form.Controller.calculate_taxes_and_totals (taxes_and_totals.js:83:12)
grid.js:348 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘item_code’)
at Ft.update_search_columns (grid.js:348:50)
at Ft.make_head (grid.js:343:31)
at Ft.refresh (grid.js:391:8)
at form.js:404:16
at Array.forEach ()
at frappe.ui.form.Form.refresh (form.js:403:15)
at frappe.views.FormFactory.render (formview.js:117:45)
at formview.js:101:9
at model.js:267:17
at new Promise ()
meta.js:177 Warning: Unable to find frm in any table related to Quotation
grid.js:348 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘item_code’)
at Ft.update_search_columns (grid.js:348:50)
at Ft.make_head (grid.js:343:31)
at Ft.refresh (grid.js:391:8)
at form.js:404:16
at Array.forEach ()
at frappe.ui.form.Form.refresh (form.js:403:15)
at frappe.views.FormFactory.render (formview.js:117:45)
at formview.js:101:9
at model.js:267:17
at new Promise ()