Anyone help me didn't find 'create' button on delivery note for slaes return

I want to create sales return from delivery note but i don’t why create button is not available at submitted delivery note. secondly the delivery notes that was posted doesn’t have connection with sales order or pick list. Please let me know how can i sort out this if it’s configuration issue or development type issue help me out.

Hii @M_Ashar_Farooq

To create a Sales Return from a Delivery Note in ERPNext, ensure that the Delivery Note is linked to a Sales Order. If not, link them manually. Check the Delivery Note status and Sales Return configuration. Verify user permissions. If issues persist, consult with your ERPNext developer.

hi… that’s the problem that delivery note is not linked with sales order and when i saw in connection it shows nothing. where i can find sales return configuration because i didn’t see sales return doctype… I am log in with administrator rights