Anyone maintaining this product?

Hi, is there anyone supporting/implementing this product? If none, we are willing to take over.

What product are you talking about?

The topic: Non profit

Does anybody know if the non_profit app is supported anymore?
Would love to see an upgrade to v15, but I’m not sure, if I should wait for the app, before upgrading to v15.

Non-profit app is not currently maintained actively.

We are actively using and willing to maintain.


Thanks Tufan. We’re going to need someone who can maintain it.

What are your requirements? Maybe discuss that on a video conf.

We need the Non-Profit module to work flawlessly on the latest version of ERPNext from the Github (Source code version).

Works pretty fine but a little manual overload. What are your pain points?

ERPNext gives an internal server error once non_profit is installed using common workarounds found online, like installing payments as a prerequisite

Well, it is common and good practice to install any app with resolve dependencies switch. The glitch is within the bench that it throws an error when the prerequisite app is present. However, no issues within non_profit if you have payments installed. I totally agree that these two modules need to be independent. That requires a hefty labor.
Anything else when you get the modules installed?

I guess we should start decoupling the non_profit from payments app

Have you started work on this yet? I’ve recently started digging into ERPnext, with particular interest in the non_profit module. Of course, when I find something good, it becomes deprecated or no longer maintained.

If you are working on it, that may motivate me to dig in and see what can be done.

We’re actively using for an NGO with over 400 members and counting. We are kind of reverse engineering the product trying to understand the workflows. It’s been over a year and we have a shortlist of improvements. The development tteam is not ready yet but it is pretty helpful as it is right now.



The app is still active.
Some fix/feature were merged recently:

But for on the other hand, I’ve suggested a fix in Oct 2023 for a bad field name use in scheduled task, and still waiting to be merge.