API link for attendance

Can anybody please send the attendance API link or erpnext API link ??? Because I want to use in web hook for attendance management .

Dear @Nehar

Kindly brief your question with additional details

Here’s Rest Api doc:


… and this is the endpoint:



Please can you describe shortly " /?fields=[“name”] " means what exactly I want to put in that link…because I tried /? names=[“employee_name”] , /?names=[“names”] and only enter https://localhost/api/resource/Attendance … All three links given me same result of employee attendance . Why ? @lasalesi

Hi @Nehar,

the parameter


tells the API which database fields should be returned. names is not a parameter and will be ignored. You can check out filters to select a subset of data. A useful reference is the Cheatsheet

How can I add entries to attendance using API with Json Data ?
