Assets giving 404 error - in production

ErpNext Team, your guidance is appreciated…

In dev mode, bench start works well and serves all successfully.

In production, all assets are getting 404 error.

I tried bench build command which gives error “UNRESOLVED_IMPORT” as follows. (I ran bench setup requirements too, no effects).

Building erpnext assets...

✔ Built js/erpnext-web.min.js
✔ Built js/bank-reconciliation-tool.min.js
✔ Built js/item-dashboard.min.js
UNRESOLVED_IMPORT : 'vue/dist/vue.js' is imported by ../erpnext/erpnext/public/js/hub/marketplace.js, but could not be resolved – treating it as an external dependency
Cannot find some dependencies. You may have to run "bench setup requirements" to install them.

UNRESOLVED_IMPORT : 'vue/dist/vue.js' is imported by ../erpnext/erpnext/public/js/hub/vue-plugins.js, but could not be resolved – treating it as an external dependency
Cannot find some dependencies. You may have to run "bench setup requirements" to install them. 

MISSING_GLOBAL_NAME : No name was provided for external module 'vue/dist/vue.js' in output.globals – guessing 'Vue'
✔ Built js/erpnext.min.js

nginx error log says following

failed (13: Permission denied)

Reviewing permissions, all seems good and same. Everything is installed with sudo user “erpteam” from frappe installation. Always remained logged as the frappe user “erpteam” in sudo mode.

Below is the bench/sites folder.


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