"Assigned to" in Sales Order


I want to dynamically assign Customers’ Sales Order to their Supplier. In ERPNext, I know there is ‘ASSIGNED TO’ (Assign +) link in the left side of the doctype. How to access that field in the python code?
Database column field is ‘_assign’.
I want to insert supplier’s name in that column of the Sales Order.
Doing so, it will come in TO DO list of the Suplliers’ account.

self._assign = "Supplier"

won’t work.

Then how? anybody know how to access and assign suppliers to sales order dynamically (at the time of sales order is created)


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Thank you so much.
Even though I didn’t understand by looking the above link, first time, I tried it repeatedly and finally understood the code.

Now, I got what I want. Everything is working fine.
Thanks alot!


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