April 6, 2020, 7:58am
i have make a assignment rule for Task :
Doctype: Task
Assign Condition: department == "xxxx"
Unassign Condition: status == ("Cancelled")
Close Condition: status == ("Completed")
Assign condition working fine
when i change task status from Open to Cancelled ; ToDo list show one Cancelled and add another ToDo with Open Status.
When I changed Cancelled Task to Completed status its assign same user again
and ToDo Changed to one Open Status another with Closed status
and if i changed Task status directly Open to Completed nothing happen to ToDo and its still show Open to do and not close it
Could any one Confirm its my Assigment Rule bad or its not work as intended?
Note: ToDo its working fine without Assignment Rule and open, complete, close work as intended.
April 6, 2020, 2:21pm
When I changed Cancelled Task to Completed status its assign same user again
You should create a separate assignment rule for the condition of Cancelled to Completed, for an unassign condition, so that it doesn’t re-assign.
and ToDo Changed to one Open Status another with Closed status
The original assignment gets closed on unassigment. Whereas new assignment on completed created new Todo. If you can make condition which won’t lead to Assignment or Completion, the other Todo will to be created as well.
Both Completed or Cancelled should call for un-assigned condition.
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April 6, 2020, 3:41pm
Dear Umair,
Thank you for replay,
as i understand i create 2 new rule
Priority: 0
Assign Condition: department == "Dış Montaj - GAMA" and status == "Open"
Unassign Condition: status == ("Cancelled")
Close Condition:
its work as you said it’s not assign again on cancelled task
second one for complete status:
Priority: 1
Assign Condition: department == "Dış Montaj - GAMA" and status == "Open"
Unassign Condition:
Close Condition: status == ("Completed")
its not close the task.
then tried with only one rule because something seems wired on Close condition
Priority: 0
Assign Condition: department == "Dış Montaj - GAMA"
Unassign Condition:
Close Condition: status == ("Completed")
still can’t manage to make ToDo as Completed
April 6, 2020, 3:43pm
all off this situations which i tried from “Open” status of Task not from “Cancelled” or others
May 27, 2020, 7:17am
Bug has been fixed at 12.9.0
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