Associate a Letter Head with a Print Format

Is there a way to associate a letter head with a particular print format so that every time you choose that print format, the letter head is automatically associated? For example, when emailing a purchase order PDF, we want to be able to choose XYZ format and have a particular letter head linked to it automatically?

(In my experimenting thus far, it seems I can only manually choose a letter head while printing a document. Is that correct?)

You can set using the client script with your custom logic and set the value on the letterhead.

But do you have to select this letterhead every time you create a purchase order, or is there a way to have a particular letter head associated and selected automatically depending on the supplier chosen?

@CLV create one custom field in supplier and select letter head in this custom field during supplier creation after that you can use fetch from

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That’s great, many thanks for that Jeel! Really appreciate the assistance.