Associate a Letter Head with a Print Format

Is there a way to associate a letter head with a particular print format so that every time you choose that print format, the letter head is automatically associated? For example, when emailing a purchase order PDF, we want to be able to choose XYZ format and have a particular letter head linked to it automatically?

(In my experimenting thus far, it seems I can only manually choose a letter head while printing a document. Is that correct?)

You can set using the client script with your custom logic and set the value on the letterhead.

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But do you have to select this letterhead every time you create a purchase order, or is there a way to have a particular letter head associated and selected automatically depending on the supplier chosen?

@CLV create one custom field in supplier and select letter head in this custom field during supplier creation after that you can use fetch from

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That’s great, many thanks for that Jeel! Really appreciate the assistance.

@Jeel Is there a similar way to this to automatically associate a particular print format to particular customers or suppliers, that you are aware of? (ie not just the letterhead to the print format).