At what point does a production order pick up costs?

We have manufacturing set up using BOM’s The BOM is set to get the raw product prices based on last purchase price (Actually that is last any price, it also picks up last manufactured prices which is great)

So the question is to do with workflow I suppose - at what point does the production order pick up costs? Is it on Save, or Submit?

The reason I ask is that this:

We set up a production order for Product A - a new product. The BOM for Product A states to manufacture Product B. Product B is also a new product so does not have a last purchase price defined.

The production order for product A it will not produce the correct valuation because product B does not have a price of course - quite logical. So we finish Product B and it now has a price.

The production order still will not pick up the price of product B though, because it seems the price is locked in to the production order either at save or submit. Again I can understand that as last purchase price MUST be before the production order is created.

Logically (to me) if we cancel and amend the production order for product A, it should get the prices again, so this time it should pick up product B price. But it does not. Cancel and amend keeps the old prices. It does not get the new price. The only way to get the new price is to cancel the production order and create a new one. OR not create the production order for product A at all until product B is finished

Does that sound correct? Or should cancel > Amend get the updated prices?

I hope that all makes sense to someone -:grin:

Any insights on this?

The production order for product A it will not produce the correct valuation because product B does not have a price of course - quite logical. So we finish Product B and it now has a price.

In the Production Order, it picks price from the Stock Ledger for that Item and Warehouse. In this case, you create Stock Entry for Product A before the stock was added for Product B. After Product B was added, you should amend the Posting Date and Time in the Stock Entry of Product A, so that rate for Product B is fetched.

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Thanks for the reply. But not sure of the process.

Should the cancel and amend of the product A production order not cancel the stock entry, and create new ones with the new prices

or are you saying keep the production order “A” open, and just change the posting date and time will then magically get the new data for product B?

First complete processing of Product B. And then start creating entries against the Production Order A.

So cancel and amend will not work - this is what I am trying to determine. SHOULD cancel and amend work, or should I have to only create the production order for A after B is finished. WHY will cancel / amend not work?