Attach field type - Allowed file extensions

Can we configure the allowed file extensions for a field Attach ?
I’d like to limit to only .xml files.

this should be doable as a custom app.
hook to file - validate.
in the method check the filename.

Sure I can validate, but I want the file browser to default to *.xml instead of *.*

And I think this should be built in frappe, I’ll submit a feature request on github.

You can achieve this via the following Client Script:

frappe.ui.form.on("MY DOCTYPE", {
	refresh: function (frm) {
		const attach_field = frm.fields_dict["MY FIELDNAME"];
		attach_field.on_attach_click = function () {
			attach_field.upload_options.restrictions.allowed_file_types = [
			attach_field.file_uploader = new frappe.ui.FileUploader(attach_field.upload_options);

Tested on develop / v16.