Attach image auto saving the form

attaching the image saves the form automatically

@mubasher-hasan it’s default functionality of frappe

but why when user has not fully uploaded his information and the form is autosaved :laughing: :laughing:

@mubasher-hasan you can make field mandatory so form is not saved without value of those mandatory fields.

i did but this is not an appropriate way to do this.
every time user will get a notification to fill the information and this is incorrect

@mubasher-hasan if you want to do some customization then you have to override attach.js file

yes i think so that’s the way to go… but this is not a feature it’s a bug i think :laughing:

can you help me out on the image field as well if you have time

@ check this core module code frappe/frappe/public/js/frappe/form/controls/attach.js at version-15 · frappe/frappe · GitHub
line no 123 is for saving the form when we attach the image it’s save the form