I have followed this link https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext/wiki/Migrating-your-erpnext-instance-to-wsgi to migrate one of our test erpnext instance to wsgi. When I ran ./lib/wnf.py --latest command I got below error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/wnf.py", line 729, in <module>
File "./lib/wnf.py", line 23, in main
run(fn, parsed_args)
File "./lib/wnf.py", line 43, in run
out = globals().get(fn)(**args)
File "./lib/wnf.py", line 34, in new_fn
return fn(*args, **new_kwargs)
File "./lib/wnf.py", line 289, in latest
File "lib/webnotes/modules/patch_handler.py", line 21, in run_all
if webnotes.conn.table_exists("__PatchLog"):
File "lib/webnotes/db.py", line 463, in table_exists
return tablename in [d[0] for d in self.sql("show tables")]
File "lib/webnotes/db.py", line 104, in sql
webnotes.log("<<<< query")
File "lib/webnotes/__init__.py", line 141, in log
if conf.get("logging") or False:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get'
Can anyone please advise me on how I can fix this error? Thanks.
Please let me know if you need any additional information from my end regarding above error.
PS: I have searched the discussion forum for a solution before posting this topic.
Kind regards,
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End of Note
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