Hello everyone, I have a special use case that require from me to understand the authorization system in frappe deeply, so I saw there is a main function called has permission that used to check if the user has a specific permission or not, here is the function:-
if any one can tell me what is the difference between get_role_permissions and get_doc_permissions ? I think the role permissions returns the allowed permissions for a specific role, but what does the doc permissions return ? I hope you understand me, thank you in advanced
def has_permission(
"""Returns True if user has permission `ptype` for given `doctype`.
If `doc` is passed, it also checks user, share and owner permissions.
:param doctype: DocType to check permission for
:param ptype: Permission Type to check
:param doc: Check User Permissions for specified document.
:param verbose: DEPRECATED, will be removed in a future release.
:param user: User to check permission for. Defaults to current user.
:param raise_exception:
DOES NOT raise an exception.
If not False, will display a message using frappe.msgprint
which explains why the permission check failed.
:param parent_doctype:
Required when checking permission for a child DocType (unless doc is specified)
if not user:
user = frappe.session.user
# if user == "Administrator":
# return True
if ptype == "share" and frappe.get_system_settings("disable_document_sharing"):
return False
# this if block is for backward compatibility
if not doc and hasattr(doctype, "doctype"):
# first argument can be doc or doctype
doc = doctype
doctype = doc.doctype
if frappe.is_table(doctype):
return has_child_permission(doctype, ptype, doc, user, raise_exception, parent_doctype)
meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype)
if doc:
print("doc", doc)
if isinstance(doc, str):
doc = frappe.get_doc(meta.name, doc)
perm = get_doc_permissions(doc, user=user, ptype=ptype)
print("perm", perm)
perm = perm.get(ptype)
if not perm:
_("User {0} does not have access to this document").format(frappe.bold(user))
if ptype == "submit" and not cint(meta.is_submittable):
push_perm_check_log(_("Document Type is not submittable"))
return False
if ptype == "import" and not cint(meta.allow_import):
push_perm_check_log(_("Document Type is not importable"))
return False
role_permissions = get_role_permissions(meta, user=user)
print("role_permissions", role_permissions)
perm = role_permissions.get(ptype)
if not perm:
_("User {0} does not have doctype access via role permission for document {1}").format(
frappe.bold(user), frappe.bold(doctype)
def false_if_not_shared():
if ptype in ("read", "write", "share", "submit", "email", "print"):
shared = frappe.share.get_shared(
doctype, user, ["read" if ptype in ("email", "print") else ptype]
if doc:
doc_name = get_doc_name(doc)
if doc_name in shared:
if ptype in ("read", "write", "share", "submit") or meta.permissions[0].get(ptype):
return True
elif shared:
# if atleast one shared doc of that type, then return True
# this is used in db_query to check if permission on DocType
return True
return False
if not perm:
perm = false_if_not_shared()
return bool(perm)```