Auto Attendance Is Not Mark yet For MIDNight Shift

Hello team;
my IN Time is - 04/03/2025 , OUT Time is - 05/03/2025 this login is Midnight shift.
Auto Attendance is not mark yet my shift type is my checkin

my Employee checkin=

This Shift is Midnight shift like Start from 11:00 AM And tomorrow morning 6:00 AM .

Please help figure out what is root cases of the shift ?

please help me to setup an Midnight shift .

Use case is in company we have a one shift only employee Check IN at 11:00 AM morning , and OUT at 21:00 but some times employee need to Stay upto 3 to 4 Am next day .

For that i want to setup an shift type below but this is not mark auto attendance . ?

Can you please help me figure out what is issue ?

(Profile - Void_Moon - Frappe Forum)Auto Attendance Is Not Mark yet - #3 by shubham2025

Attendance should’ve been marked, as the scheduler runs every hour to sync all the attendance. That last sync time was 6:00 AM on 5th March.
But I think the issue is that it’s checking whether there is a checkin for the 5th and not taking the one on 4th into consideration.

@Void_Moon thanks you .