Auto attendance marking in Frappe


Attendance is not marking automatically after employee checkin record has been created.

  1. This is my shift type record.

  1. This is employee record.

  1. This is employee checkin record.

  1. This is attendance list.

Can anyone help me?

it will mark after “Process attendance after” and “Last sync of checkin”

@519_Hamza_Habeeb yes, but it is not marking.

See the employee checkin record pls

sync manually

I enabled auto attendance but attendance is not marking automatically.

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in shift type doctype under actions click on mark attendance

@519_Hamza_Habeeb Thank you for your reply, but i don’t want to do it manually everytime, i want to make it happen automatically.

does that work?

@519_Hamza_Habeeb I too don’t know.

after clicking on mark attendance, check attendance list

@519_Hamza_Habeeb I dont want to do it manually!!!

yes i understand, but lets check first if it creates an attendance record manually. lets start there

Its working.

create checkout log and reset sync time

@519_Hamza_Habeeb Thanks for your help so far!! Its working.
But it is taking some time.

so basically for this to work you have to run a script to change the sync time everyday

@519_Hamza_Habeeb Oh , can u pls share that one also?

or do it manually EOD


  1. Shift type :

  2. Employee checkin list:

  3. Attendance :

i have employee checkin record of the empoyee of date 12/7/2024.
but i didn’t get the attendance of that employee .
what’s the reason behind it?
can anyone explain me please.

click on mark attendance in shift type to see if the attendance is being marked,

if yes, then set the date and time of sync in shift type