Auto Attendances is Not Work

Hello team , I have facing issue please help me

  1. Shift Type iamge

  2. Checkin ss.

  3. Attendancess

I donot get it i have Check in 6 hrs Ago , and within 1 hr Attendes mark Absent ?
How is possible?

Can i make any mistake in shift creation ? please help me .
Please refer above ss

if any solve it Please help me

Hello team please help me out .

Guys i am Totally confused Please help me figure out where am wrong .

It depends on the value of the Last Sync of Check-in field. If its value is greater than the check-in time, attendance will be marked.

Your shift OUT time is 19:00, plus 60 minutes (allowing checkout after shift end), which means 20:00. The Last Sync of Check-in is set to 06-02-2025 23:59:59 (which means your shift has ended), and the ‘Mark Attendance’ job runs every hour. If no check-in is found, attendance will be marked as absent.

I also had problems to get working attendance.

You need to setup the shift before any upload for check in records if you do not setup the shift and have already check in data, it does not work. You can check at the check in record, and you can see the shift if you set up properly

@friveroll you have got any solution on that ? please shear .