Auto create Task

I’m trying to auto create task, but my server script have some problem can anyone help me

Hi @thunq:

Just write your logic, no method definition needed.

task = frappe.get_doc({
    "doctype": "Task",
    "subject": "New task",
    "status": "Open"

Hope this helps.

it still have that error

i think i know the problem is wrong when i use “exp_end_date”: frappe.utils.now_datetime().date() + frappe.utils.timedelta(days=1). is there a way i can get the exp_end_date to be one day after the start date.

Hi @thunq:

It’s working for me …
Try this:

today =
tomorrow = frappe.utils.add_days(today,1)

task = frappe.get_doc({
    "doctype": "Task",
    "subject": "New task",
    "status": "Open",
    "exp_start_date": today,
    "exp_end_date": tomorrow


Hope this helps.

thank you, i will give it a try