Auto email draft on PO Submission

Hi, in V10 Erpnext when a PO is created and Submitted, by default a draft eMail is presented to the user to complete and then dispatch an email to the supplier.
However, in V14/15, this is not happening and I am not sure if it’s a setting that was disabled since V10 or the auto feature was removed. Of course the user can manually trigger an eMail draft after the submission - but I was hoping to find the way to automatically trigger the draft.
Can anyone advise if they know whether there is a setting I am missing or something? Or if I now would need to add a script to do this.

You can create an email template and send it manually. If you want to send an email automatically upon submitting a Purchase Order, you need to create a notification and set the message according to your email draft. Note that many functionalities have changed in versions 14 and 15.

Noted with thanks. Will try that