Automate BOM Calculation from UOM?

Hi, say I have a want to make a subassembly (a metal sheet) from a larger metal sheet.
The subassembly is measured in Width and Length (mm, mm). However, the larger metal sheet is measured in kg/mm2, and $/kg. How would I go about automating the amount of raw material used from the UoM of the subassembly? Is this possible or do I need to make my own DocType?

Essentially, say I have subassembly (100mm x 325mm). I want to have the BOM automatically convert it to the cost of my raw metal sheet ($100/kg and 200000mm2/kg).


Use the Unit of measure conversion in Item Master to achieve the same.

Please check this documentation: Unit of Measure (UoM)


Divyesh Mangroliya

Thank you for your reply. I noticed that for UOM when using reciprocals, due to the precision, the actual cost can be off by more than a dollar. Is it possible to change the precision of UOM conversion factor? There is also an open issue by someone else on the repo.


You can set the float precision as per your need under system setting:


Divyesh M.