Avoiding naming_series in search field

I created a new DOCTYPE called SERVICE and I set up two field:
I used as:
Auto Name: naming_series:
Title Field: service_name
Search Field: service_name,service_description

I created a other new DOCTYPE called BOOKING and I set up two field:
service_name (LINK to SERVICE)

When I add a new BOOKING the Search Field show me the naming_series as primary field but I want the service_name.
Is possibile to show it?

I’ve seen that in Customer DocType it uses:
Auto Name: naming_series:
Title Field il campo customer_name
Search Field: customer_name,customer_group,territory
however when I add a new record in Sales Invoice, search field doesn’t show naming_series but shows customer_name.


set field:service_name in Auto Name field.

I already tried this solution but I want a solution exactly like CUSTOMER and SALES INVOICE or any other document linked to CUSTOMER.

In CUSTOMER DocType it use naming_series but when you try to select a CUSTOMER in a new SALES INVOICE it shows you customer_name.
Look CUSTOMER doctype:

This is the ERPNext CUSTOMER DocType.
Should be that for custom doctype the behavior is different from default doctype like CUSTOMER?

Sir Customer naming series is handled in script. Check customer.py

If you want service_name as your naming series of doctype. Please check my prevoius reply. Link field always show name of document. or you can write script for naming_series.