Back Date Entry

How can we restrict users from making backdate entry but after every 10th date? For example, there is a fee for students for July so users can only make entries till 10 Aug after the 10th it restricts users.

I have tried this code.

frappe.ui.form.on("Fees", "validate", function(frm) {
    var today = get_today();
    var current_month = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(today).getMonth();
    var posting_date_month = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(frm.doc.posting_date).getMonth();

    if (posting_date_month < current_month) {
        msgprint(__("Cannot select a date in the previous month."));
        validated = false;

I recently encountered a similar situation in my project. My requirement was to allow adding one record per day and to prevent updating past records. I’ve shared the code, and I hope it will be helpful.

import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
from datetime import datetime

class ChefClosingChecklist(Document):
    def before_insert(self):
        branch_id = self.branch_id
        user_name = self.user_name
        current_date =
        rec_count = self.get_the_record_count(branch_id, user_name, current_date)
        if (rec_count > 0):
            frappe.throw("You are limited to adding just one record per day.")

    def on_update(self):
        current_date =
        doc_save_date = datetime.strptime(self.chef_close_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        if (current_date == doc_save_date):
            frappe.throw("Editing records from the past is not permitted")

    def get_the_record_count(self, branch_id, user_name, date_obj):
        rec_count = frappe.db.count('Chef Closing Checklist', filters={
            'user_name': user_name,
            'branch_id': branch_id,
            'chef_close_date': date_obj
        return rec_count
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Thanks but I want to add in the client script the code I have mentioned above is working but just for the month’s validation I want to modify the same code but with both month and day validation.
Can you help in that case?

Understood. I hope the code below is useful to you.

frappe.ui.form.on("teststandard", "validate", function(frm) {

	var current_date =  frappe.datetime.now_date();
	var current_month = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(current_date).getMonth()+1; // JavaScript months are 0-11
	var current_date_part = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(current_date).getDate();

	var posting_date = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(frm.doc.posting_date);
    var posting_date_month = posting_date.getMonth()+1;// JavaScript months are 0-11
	var posting_date_date_part = new Date(posting_date).getDate();

	console.log('current_date ',current_date);

   if (posting_date_month < current_month) {
        msgprint("Cannot select a date in the previous month.");
        validated = false;


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