Background Jobs Keep Pending

Background Jobs Keep Pending even for simple for 1 job.

Hi @Sagesrepo,

can you elaborate on it, or share the screenshot?
so the community with help you.

Queue: short
Number of Jobs: 1
<bound method BulkUploadTestMechanism.excel_data of <BulkUploadTestMechanism: TEST-LOG-02166>> : 1

Basically even if I clear my jobs…the jobs keep in queue and don’t even if a single job.

What is the RQ Job Status?

and please share the screenshot of the RQ Job.

How do I check it?

Look at it

Are you upload/import any type of data? because I think error from bulk uploading data from Excel.

and Is Scheduler Active or Inactive?

Its a custom logic based import function…scheduler is active…
It works fine in local as well

We haven’t any idea about your logic and how will it work and you said that It works fine in local so…

try to bench migrate and check it.

Thank You!

Ok thank you