The problem is intermittent but happens quite often.
It prevents the display of matching vouchers
It occurs when you click the Actions button and the modal appears.
Here is the stack trace
console.trace() TypeError: this.stylesheet is null
setStyle frappe-datatable.cjs.js:4879
setCellHeight frappe-datatable.cjs.js:4931
setDimensions frappe-datatable.cjs.js:4921
setDimensions frappe-datatable.cjs.js:5613
render frappe-datatable.cjs.js:4702
renderBody frappe-datatable.cjs.js:5609
render frappe-datatable.cjs.js:5601
refresh frappe-datatable.cjs.js:5580
DataTable frappe-datatable.cjs.js:5497
get_datatable Bank Reconciliation Tool line 848 > injectedScript:1
callback Bank Reconciliation Tool line 848 > injectedScript:1
callback request.js:78