Bank Reconciliation Tool

Hi, my bank reconciliation tool difference is at zero but it still shows up red. Not sure what I may be doing wrong here. I have also tried with other bank accounts and the difference amount does show up in green. Any advice?

Hi @mikhala.reid,

Scenario 1 (Difference is Zero):

  • Suppose the closing balance as per the bank statement is $10,000, and the closing balance as per ERP is also $10,000. In this case, the difference is $0.
  • The Difference card will show a $0 difference and be highlighted in green (text-success), indicating a successful reconciliation.

Scenario 2 (Non-zero Difference):

  • Now, suppose the closing balance as per the bank statement is $10,000, but the closing balance as per ERP is $9,500. In this case, the difference is $500.
  • The Difference card will show a $500 difference and be highlighted in red (text-danger), indicating a discrepancy that needs attention.

As per my understanding in your case, if the Difference card shows up in red even when the difference is zero, it might be due to a rounding issue or a slight mismatch in the calculation logic. Ensure that both balances are accurately calculated and compared. If the issue persists, it might be beneficial to review the data types or the precision of the currency values being compared to ensure they match exactly when zero.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Thank you for replying, this information is really helpful, I will review this. Thank you once more. Have a great day!

Hi @NCP! I am taking advantage of this thread to understand if Bank Reconciliation Tool Beta
was deprecated, since I can’t ask in the github thread that was closed.

I don’t know the status of your linked bank reconciliation tool, but I know that Alyf created a similar free tool, maybe it is worth checking:

Thanks! I am more confused than before, because it is the same PR application that I put in the link, only it seems more current. :sweat_smile:

@marination sorry for the tag, but I think you were the only one with the ability to get me out of my confusion.

@federico_calvo Sorry for the confusion, the Alyf banking app has the latest functioning bank reco tool that’s OS and free.
I did intend to contribute it to erpnext as well but there were many ongoing changes including design and some logical fixes, so it got really messy to parallelly work on this PR as well as the tool in the separate app. Hence the closed PR.
I haven’t found the bandwidth to revisit it in the past few months, however I plan to once I can squeeze in some time. I essentially planned to push the tool into develop for the latest version and the older versions could use the app.