Before creating new doc, How to remove the filter from List in Doctype?

I have used filter with status “Accepted” in list view. When I create new doc, status displayed “Accepted” instead of Active in new doc which is not even saved.

Is any code applied?

Nope @NCP

So you should apply the client script :sweat_smile:, otherwise you have to clear the filter and then create a new doc.

something like

frappe.ui.form.on('DocType', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        if (frm.doc.__islocal && frm.doc.status === "Accepted") {
            frm.set_value('status', "Active");

set your script according doctype and fieldname.

@NCP I have tried this already but when creating the doc via API. Status is Active but form displayed not saved

any other refresh event script there, then that is the issue.
I provided a script that only worked in the new doc.