I just install bench using Development Setup: GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
But I want to use Frappe@mater and ERPNext@master.
Is it OK if I switch branch from Frappe and ERPNext to master but using bench development setup?
I tried to switch using bench --switch-to-master but no successfull, I got error.
Then I just tried
- install bench using development setup.
- install frappe on master using :
bench init --frappe-branch master frappe-repo
- install erpnext on master using :
bench get-app erpnext https://github.com/frappe/erpnext --branch master
And it seems all run smooth when I run bench start
@vjFaLk, @shreyasp can you help?
What error did you get while you try to switch the branch to master using bench switch-to-master
@rmehta @shreyasp thanks for your reply.
I forgot about the error when --switch-to-master.
But I reinstall bench frappe and erpnext. And then I’am able to use frappe@master and erpnext@master.
@agusputra So, everything is working smoothly? Do you have any other problems / doubts?
No, All OK.
This is steps I do:
- install bench using development setup: GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
- install frappe on master using :
bench init --frappe-branch master erpnext
- install erpnext on master using :
bench get-app erpnext https://github.com/frappe/erpnext --branch master
- run
bench new-site erpnext
- run
bench --site erpnext install-app erpnext
- run
bench start
Evertything working smoothly.
Before Update:
After installed bench, frappe and erpnext, I try to run bench update, but I got error.
Then I do this :
- cd to
run git pull
- re-run
bench update
Sometimes I got error about mysql root password when running bench update
Then I try to remove extra_vars.json
which is located at ~/extra_vars.json
Then update is success.